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Are Dog Training Group Classes Good?

Short answer to this question is no. Even though group training classes are very popular and most of the time “cheap”, they are not very beneficial to the dog or to you as the owners. Let’s list out some Pros and Cons to help you see why...
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Living With A Reactive Dog

Dogs are a huge part of our everyday lives. Whether you own one or live near them, it is almost impossible to go a day without seeing a dog. They make for such great social companions and can work for us in many ways. However, some dogs are not super loving...
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Best Chew Toys for Dogs

Over the years, many kinds of toys and chew bones have been developed and put out on the market for us dog owners to purchase. Let’s face it, dogs need to chew! For young dogs, it's a way to relieve pain that might be caused by incoming teeth. For older dogs, it's nature's way of keeping jaws strong and teeth clean
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